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SMEs in Malaysia and Singapore can unlock the power of ESG for sustainable success.

SMEs in Malaysia and Singapore can unlock the power of ESG for sustainable success. ESG, or environmental, social, and governance, is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. In Malaysia and Singapore, there are several government programs and resources available to help SMEs adopt ESG practices.

Some of the benefits of ESG include:

  • Improved reputation and brand image
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Reduced risk
  • Increased access to capital
  • Enhanced employee engagement

SMEs can get started with ESG by:

  • Identifying their ESG goals
  • Conducting an ESG assessment
  • Developing an ESG action plan
  • Communicating their ESG commitments

There are a number of resources available to help SMEs with ESG, including :

  • The UN Global Compact
  • The ESG-Disclose website
  • Industry associations
  • NGOs

By adopting ESG practices, SMEs can position themselves for long-term success and make a positive impact on their communities.

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