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ESG Skills Shortages in SE Asia: A Growing Challenge

Having travelled extensively in SE Asia including Australia, Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are increasingly important to businesses and investors. In SE Asia, ESG is becoming a top priority for businesses as they seek to meet the growing demands of consumers and investors.

However, there is a looming crisis in ESG talent shortage across the APAC region. A recent survey by DHR Global found that Asia-Pacific is at a nascent stage, with a major gap of experienced ESG talent when compared with the US and Europe.

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report predicts that there will be a global shortage of 85 million skilled workers by 2030. The report also predicts that the demand for ESG skills will grow by 30% over the next five years.

The challenges of ESG skills shortages in SE Asia are significant. The region lacks qualified ESG professionals, the cost of training ESG professionals is high, and there is a lack of government support for ESG initiatives.

There are not enough ESG professionals in SE Asia to meet the growing demand for ESG skills. This is due to a number of factors, including the fact that ESG is a relatively new field, and there are not enough universities and colleges offering ESG programs.

ESG training is expensive, and many businesses in SE Asia cannot afford to train their employees on ESG issues. This is a major barrier to businesses that are trying to meet the growing demands of consumers and investors.

The lack of government support for ESG initiatives.

Governments in SE Asia are not doing enough to support ESG initiatives. This is a major barrier to businesses that are trying to address ESG issues.

What can be done to address the challenges?

The challenges of ESG skills shortages in SE Asia are significant. These challenges are making it difficult for businesses in the region to meet the growing demands of consumers and investors. There are a number of things that can be done to address the challenges of ESG skills shortages in SE Asia. These include:
- Increasing the number of universities and colleges offering ESG programs.
- Making ESG training more affordable. A number of Training organisations we partner with are investing heavily in ESG course development. #training #jobs #investing
- Increasing government support for ESG initiatives.

By taking these steps, we can help to address the challenges of ESG skills shortages in SE Asia and help businesses in the region to meet the growing demands of consumers and investors.

The future of ESG in SE Asia is bright. The region is home to a growing number of businesses that are committed to ESG. As the demand for ESG skills continues to grow, SE Asia is well-positioned to become a global leader in ESG.
By taking the steps outlined above, SE Asia can address the challenges of ESG skills shortages and become a global leader in ESG.

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